Recently, I received in inbox from a business colleague. She was expressing that she was a bit disappointed in the lack of participation that I was offering in her online community. She shared that one of the reasons she…
Many years ago someone told me, “If you want to know what God thinks of you, look at the kind of pastor He gives to you!” In my 40+ years of living, I have to say that I have had…
{WHATS IN YOU COMES OUT} Yesterday I finally managed to get dressed and we spent the remainder of the day with “fra-mily”. We were in the midst of college football, great food, and laughter, AND in the blink of an…
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Last night while sitting in the midst of some youth, the question was posed, “What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?” As the various youth in the room answered the question, not one of them said, “I don’t…
Okay I’m going to let you in a a secret! For more than 10 years I’ve been speaking and leaving money on the table! My introduction to speaking went something like this. I wrote a book, asked someone to write…
{{This Blog More than Likely Needs the Disclaimer: This is also NOT going to be a quick read, but it’s one you should read until the end}}. Many people ask how I got started in publishing, and it’s always easy…
Recently one of my clients asked if I thought her working with a specific individual would be a good investment. My client is a dentist who would like to try her hand at putting on women’s events (birthed out of…
As I come to a close of the production of each issue of CAREER Magazine, I’m a bit frazzled. Managing people and process has never been an easy task especially when everyone involved in the process is NOT following the…
In business, we learn two ways through mentors and mistakes! Sure, we can take classes, get certifications, degrees and even turn around and train the trainer, but…the real learning comes from the experience! One of the biggest business…
As you read this blog, I’m sitting on an airplane heading to Chicago to be a guest on the Steve Harvey TV Show. I can’t tell you what emotions I’m feeling because I’ve felt so many over the past few…