49 Sale
MONETIZE MONDAY! Cost is what you pay, VALUE is what you receive! What is your publishing future worth to you?
With $49 You can learn how I made $30,000 in one year self-publishing a book or how I got a publishing house to give me a $50,000 Publishing Contract (not an advance) The Choice is Completely yours!
If you’re connected on my personal FB page, you already know I woke up feeling generous! Yep…today AND TODAY ONLY, you can get the digital version of the Books Are a Business™ Kit for $49.00 (never done this before and I doubt I’ll do it again). Then I started to rescind my post because I didn’t have time to have a fancy smancy page designed. So I said to myself, “Girl just put the page up and make it available!” So here you go…
Over 100 pages of information in this kit (not a book, but a kit). A few highlights include:
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- Page 33 – Who Are You Destined to Become “because of your Book?”
- Page 37 – 6 Major Steps In The Book Process
- Page 52 – Promotion with a Purpose
- Page 56 – Building the Author Brand
- Page 80 – How your Book can “work” for you
- Page 96 – Cash Flow Statements (see how $30k was made in 1 year in book sales)
You will also receive the 10 Things Every Author Must Have BEFORE THE BOOK RELEASE – FREE!
[call_to_action description=”This is the first and last time this offer $49 will be made as the Books Are A Business™ Kit will soon become a system and will retail for more than $500.” button_text=”ACT NOW” style=”style_6″]GET IT TODAY![/call_to_action]
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The normal publishing process is 12-18 months in the industry, Stephanie was able to convince me (and I’m a hard sale), she was able to convince me to do this {give her $50,000 publishing contract} in less than 90 days
~ Marcus Oaks, Household Publishing
For those who need more than a discounted price to take advantage of this offer, here is a link to the Books Are A Business website where I will gladly sell you the same kit for $69.00 + an additional $15.00 for shipping and handling. Or you can wait for the system which will retail for more than $500. Yes, it’s that good! Sneak Peek at the system….