Books Are A Business
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- Week 1 | Book Basics: Publishing Stats/terms /Building the Author Brand (Personal vs. Business)
- Week 2 | Book Branding: 4 Steps to Building Your Brand / Name Recognition, Image, Positioning and Brand Promise
- Week 3 | Promotion with a Purpose: Marketing vs. Advertising / Marketing Mistakes / Social Media / Promotional Tools
- Week 4 | Before The Launch: 10 Things You Must Have Before The Book Launch Week
- Week 5 | Party with a Purpose: Planning for the Book Launch / Set Up for Success (Book Release Part Essentials)
- Week 6 | Media: Media Mistakes / Dealing with print, radio, TV/ Finding a Media Mentor
- Week 7 | Distribution: Channels Websites / Partnerships /Collaborations/ Gifts
- Week 8 | Money Matters: Developing a Marketing Plan / Payments / Discounts / Record Keeping / Tax Write Offs
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