Did you know the State of California will have 10 new HR Laws, effective January 1, 2023? If you were our client, we would be working on that right now for you!
That’s right? Ever-changing employment regulations make Human Resources compliance quite complex. All employers have employees, but not all employers need a full time human resources professional on staff (and most small businesses cannot justify the salary for a skilled professional when they are a small business). It’s tough and to have to figure it all can be a huge distraction – – -all of which takes time away from running your business. But no matter how busy you are, HR compliance should remain a priority or you run the risk of penalties and lawsuits.
What is employee compliance?
Employee compliance is achieved when workers are familiar with all of the laws that govern their industry or job and know how to conduct business in an ethical manner. It often requires procedural training and encouragement to learn from mistakes. Simply punishing compliance failures causes fear and anxiety and may lead to workers covering up errors instead of reporting them.
Some of the most common compliance issues include: Payroll errors, misclassifications of employees, discriminatory job postings, inappropriate interview questions, and illegal criminal background checks,….and this is just for starters. You don’t have to figure this out on your own, just connect with Stephanie C. Harper, your HR Compliance Coach and she will take it from there!