Entrepreneur Expo


Are you ready to have an awesome online experience with a group of successful entrepreneurs?

Now you can and your only investment is TIME!

This Entrepreneur Expo is designed to address common business challenges that entrepreneurs face that no one is talking about. {If they are, the conversations are not readily available.} By showing up (online) on October 25th and October 26th, 2013, you get to be a part of the conversation! The topics for the Entrepreneur Expo strategy sessions are direct answers to the direct questions entrepreneurs are asking.

In this Entrepreneur Expo, you will gain UNPRECEDENTED ACCESS to:

[custom_list style=”bullet_6″]

  • Entrepreneurs who failed and reinvented themselves
  • Entrepreneurs who made million dollar decisions
  • Entrepreneurs who have International Influence[/custom_list][custom_list style=”bullet_6″]
  • Entrepreneurs who have sacrificed it all (jobs, relationships, sleep, etc.)
  • Entrepreneurs who have built enterprises from the “garage” up (and out)
  •  Entrepreneurs who have passed “Go” and continuously collect $200+….


Eventbrite - {Stephanie C. Harper presents}  The Entrepreneur Expo

Why This Expo?

Point Blank– There is a lot of confusion and conflicting information about Entrepreneurship and what it means to be a small business owner. As a certified human resources professional turned entrepreneur & success coach, Stephanie C. Harper (your conference host) is all too familiar with the various mistakes, misconceptions, myths and milestones because she has personally experienced all of the above! As a way of giving back, Stephanie decided to host this expo to help others get and remain set up for success!







Here are a few additional Expo Questions, You Might Be Pondering…


[accordion_item title=”Why Is This Free? “]

There’s a rumor in the business community that people only value what they pay for. However, I found out that is not true.  Last year,  I was invited to a LIVE event with a $497 price tag.   The host of event saw me as a Person of Influence and invited me as VIP (which means free for me).  My investment was a $149 hotel room (because I refused to pay 4 bridge tolls and sit in two days of traffic).  After spending two days with the host, I walked away with a ton of value which caused me to return to my office and make immediate changes to my business model (in fact, I started on it in my hotel room on day one).  Because someone did it for me, I decided to do it for you.  It’s Rewarding!


[accordion_item title=”How Did You Choose Your Speakers?”]

Great question!  Many people choose speakers with high hopes of drawing a large crowd.  Because this is an online event, we are not interested in “filling the room”.  The speakers that were chosen for this event were selected based on my personal relationship with them.  They have either planted seeds, watered seeds or helped me to identify, dig up and discard seeds that were not producing in   my business.  I do NOT believe everyone is a consultant (because they became unemployed), everyone is a coach (because it’s popular) or anyone can be an expert (because they write a book).  So I choose people who have worked their butts off to obtain, sustain and maintain what they have!  And oh yea, they are great speakers…. *giggle*


[accordion_item title=”What If I want To Work With One Of The Speakers?”]

Consider this my personal and professional recommendation to do so.  Keep in mind, this is a “Stephanie C. Harper presents” event so I would not bring anyone before you that I would not use in my own endeavors.  I stand behind the presenters and if you want to work with any of them, I’ll see if I can’t get you a special rate for your first consultation.  I’m pretty sure they will say yes!


[accordion_item title=”You’re a Human Resources Professional, Why Do You Care About Entrepreneurs?”]

I am an HR Professional by trade – which includes Executive Coaching.  Part of my responsibility as Corporate HR Director included executive coaching (to my internal customer which was upper management: managers, directors and principles).  As a Success Coach, I’m simply re-directing those skills to my external customers (you). My overall goal with my coaching platform is to be the coach for others that I wish I had when I began my entrepreneurial endeavor.  I had great mentors, but I needed a coach to shorten my learning curve.  Some become an entrepreneur by choice and others by chance.  When I became an entrepreneur, it was by CHANGE.  When I was laid off  in 2001, and decided instead of changing employers, I would become the creator of my work life and shape instead of reacting to it.[/accordion_item]

[accordion_item title=”What If I Can’t Attend?”]

No worries.  You will have 72 hours to view the content online at www.youtube.com/careermagazine (look for the Entrepreneur Expo playlist).  After the 72 hour mark, the content will be removed .  Feel free to subscribe to our Youtube page for updates!



Here’s our Awesome Line-Up of Presenters:

(click on image to enlarge)

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More about Sabine

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More about Dr. Watkins

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More about Anetra

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More About J. Richard

panel day1



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More about Akilah

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More about Linda

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More About CAREER Conversations with Stephanie & Anetra

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More About your Host, Stephanie C. Harper

panel day2


Eventbrite - {Stephanie C. Harper presents}  The Entrepreneur Expo

Get a head start with part one of Common Mistakes for the First Time Entrepreneur” (video) when you pay with a tweet!

pay for tweet button

Yes, the Entrepreneur Expo™ is free, but to obtain the Access information, registration is required. 



Eventbrite - {Stephanie C. Harper presents}  The Entrepreneur Expo

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