Married Now What?

Yes, You’re Invited!

THE EVENT IS FREE (registration required), but the autographed book will cost you! Join Stephanie C. Harper on Saturday, July 23, 2016 for the Book Release Soiree of Married, Now What? Hired to speak on this subject of “The Winning Woman” at a Women’s Conference in Baltimore, Maryland (where she will be returning to speak on the topic of Submission in October 2016), her prayer and study time were so heavy that she ended up with over 40 pages of notes.  Those notes are now a book!  But not just a book, they will be a blessing to any woman who is a wife….or desiring to be! But don’t fear, there were a few men in the room when she spoke…..and they were blessed as well. So this event is co-ed and going to be awesome!

Married Now What? (The Making of a Proverbs 31 Woman)
Book Signing Soiree |  Saturday, July 23, 2016 5pm-9pm
SpringHill Suites  101 Gateway Road, East  Napa, CA
Questions call 404.604.4511

  1. Pre-order your copy  Married Now What (pick up at Soiree) (if you are out of state change 20 to 25)
  2. Join us on the “Married Now What?” event page on Facebook page!
  3. Select (going),  yes we need a headcount
  4. Participate on the event page.
  5. Share the event with others
  6. Show up on July 23, 2016 and have a blast!

Married Stephanie C. Harper Soiree NEW

Married Now What

Reflections from Lady Nicole Johnson on Married, Now What?
(click photo to read the entire reflection)

Reflections from Lady NicoleUpon Stephanie’s  arrival in Baltimore that Friday evening, we had an opportunity to share face to face for the first time. I knew then that the Women were in for a treat the following day. On Saturday morning, she took the microphone and the journey began. I can never recall experiencing a teaching of the Proverbs 31 woman in this fashion. Women were issued a challenge that corresponded with each passage of scripture that was taught. In addition, there were cross-reference scriptures used that validated each statement made. It was insightful, inspirational, balanced, solid, spiritually sound and applicative to everyday life. It went beyond what we are usually taught and compelled me to broaden my thinking about what it means to embody this woman. I was so thrilled to hear that Ms. Harper-Haynes was taking this teaching a step further by putting it in print form for a much broader audience to enjoy

JOIN US ON FACEBOOK!  Remember the event is free but requires a headcount, let us know you’re coming by joining the event page on FACEBOOK (and click “going”)

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